Arm raised from the shoulder and extended straight up over the head with palm of hand flat. Left arm may also be used to signal “STOP” |
Left arm extended out and down from the side of the body with a downward flapping motion of hand to signal warning or caution. |
Right Turn
Left arm raised at shoulder height, elbow bent and forearm vertical with the palm of the hand flat |
Left Turn
Left arm extended straight out from shoulder and pointing in the direction of the turn |
Last Sled in Line
Raise forearm from handle bar and show clenched fist at shoulder height. |
Sleds Following
Arm raised, elbow bent with thumb pointing backward, in a hitch hiking motion move arm forward to backward over your shoulder. |
Oncoming Sleds
Left arm raised at shoulder height, elbow bent and forearm vertical, wrist bent, move arm from left to right over head, pointing to the right side of trails |